5 Simple self-care practices for everyday life

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can make it difficult to take time out for ourselves, but self-care is an integral part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Taking time to prioritise yourself allows you to better handle stress, anxiety, and manage emotional challenges.

Even small changes can make big differences in your overall wellbeing.

Here are five simple self-care tips that you can lean on each day.

  1. Get moving

Exercise is one of the best things we can do for our mental health.

Not only does exercise help us physically, but it also boosts our mood by releasing endorphins that help us feel good about ourselves and life.

Take some time each day to go for a walk, jog, or find some other way to get your body moving.

  1. Eat well

We’ve all heard the analogy of your body as a car, which can only run as well as the fuel you put into it.

Yep, we’ve all heard it. How many of us actually pay it the respect it deserves?

Eating nutritious foods helps keep your body functioning optimally so that you have the energy you need to get through the day.

Try to eat whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables (note: your personal circumstances might make this tip unsuitable – please consult a professional if required).

This will not only help you maintain a healthy weight but also provide essential vitamins and minerals to keep your mind sharp and focused, while powering you through any physical activities you engage in throughout the day.

  1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is often a neglected area of our lives.

Many of us feel so short on time that we need every second of the day we can get – often at the cost of sleep.

Of course, everyone is unique and chronotypes play a part, but the research is also quite clear: no matter who you are, the optimal sleep time is 7-8hrs.

This provides your body the time it needs to rest and recharge, so you’re ready when it’s time to wake up and go in the morning.

Make sure you pay attention to sleep hygiene, ensuring your bedroom is dark and free from distractions, such as television or computers.

This will allow you to sleep more deeply and wake up refreshed instead of feeling groggy.

  1. Take time for yourself

It’s important to take some time each day just for yourself – even if it’s just 10 minutes – where you can relax without distraction or worry about what else needs to be done.

Find something enjoyable, such as reading a book, taking a hot bath, or meditating, that allows you put aside worries from work and/or home life.

Your mind and body will thank you when it’s time to go-go-go again, as you’ll be better equipped mentally and emotionally handle whatever comes your way.

  1. Connect with others

Spending quality time with friends and family helps boost our spirits by reminding us how much we are loved and appreciated – and connected – by those closest to us.

Aim for at least one hour a week of socialising with those who bring joy into your life, whether they be friends or family.

This will give you an outlet to let go of any worries and see a broader picture, as you’re reminded that life is about far more than our troubles.

Regularly practicing self-care is an essential part of maintaining both mental and physical wellbeing throughout life’s ups and downs.

Taking simple steps, such as those mentioned above, can make all the difference when it comes to building resilience for the difficult times ahead.

Start today. And do what works for you.

Start experimenting until you find what works best.

Then stick with it, because you deserve it.


You can find out more about Story of My Life Journal at the Orange & Fig product page.

By Glen Foreman, Founder Story of My Life Journal

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