Love Sign Tealight Candle Holder


This gorgeous matching pair of candle holders form a heart when joined, the perfect way to add an air of love to your house. A wonderful way to light up your home and an amazing way to compliment other decorative items, these make excellent gifts and are a lovely way to spice up your home décor, if you’re a candle lover this is for you.

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Every product is handmade and completely unique, due to the distinctive creation process imperfections such as small air bubbles and variations in the texture, colour and patterns of each piece add a layer of charm that is completely exclusive to your piece.

Everything is handmade locally using non-toxic, eco-friendly Australian acrylic resin and sealed with all natural beeswax and mineral oil wash and wax to make each product water resistant, ensuring the long lasting, all-natural beauty of every product.

All pieces are intended for decorative purposes only. Not dishwasher or microwave safe.

Additional information

Weight0.306 kg
Dimensions10.7 × 6.7 × 8.7 cm


BoBell Art


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